101 Tips For Improving Children Behaviour

Thanks to Dr Andy Gill and other authors for these 101 parenting tips on understanding and improving children’s behaviour. Nearly all frequently asked questions about children’s behaviour are included in this list. If you have a “strong-willed” child, you don’t need to feel distressed. Tips #5 provides you with a freebie, 5-week online self-help course to empower you to cope with him/her. Toddlers and preschoolers have endless effort to test your boundary with their weapon, throwing tantrums. Tips #8 Dealing With Tantrum suggests some measures that can help reduce the frequency of occurring. I think most parents cannot avoid the bedtime battle, Tips #11 shows you how to win the Bedtime Battle. Some tips, like Helping Your Child Learn Responsible Behaviour, Parenting Teens, The Debate Over Spanking not only give you the general information, but also some further readings or related links through which you can go into depth.

You can keep this complete 101 tips for improving children's behaviour as your parenting library or bookmark for your friend.

Cheers to all parents!