Parenting Role

As parents, we must remember that parents exert great influences and impact to the overall development of their child. Thus, it is definitely a very challenging task to fulfil the parenting role. Can you still remember how your young one learn when you were out with her in the park or garden?

A young toddler reaches out for a sunflower held in her mother's hand and a learning experience has started. The child feels the smooth stem of the flower. She smells it and takes in the scent. She sees the bright and bold yellow colour and hears her mother's voice say "Flower. See the pretty flower?" As her young mind gathers these sensory messages, new connections are formed, associations made and memories stored. Soon, the benefit of this brief experience and other similar incidents will be evident. One day, your child seeing another sunflower, will exclaim to her mother and say, "Flower! Pretty flower." Isn't it amazing?

Indeed, to babies and young children, the whole world is an exciting classroom and each day is filled with small but important lessons. Most of these valuable lessons are taught by the child's first and most influential guides -- her parents. While it's true that a child's ability to master life's lessons is determined to a large extent by the mental capacities she is born with, her environment and the people who interact with her also play a great part and exert very powerful influences on her learning ability.

Thus, there is much we can do in our parenting role to help our child develop her natural abilities to the fullest. I am not suggesting that you should bombard her with instructions at an early age. Rather, at all ages and stages, we should give our child stimulation, encouragement and freedom to explore. We have to note too, that intellect is only one aspect of a child's overal potential: brain power must be well balanced with social, emotional, physical well-being if a child is truly to excel and flourish.

Parenting Tips: Play our Role. Do not leave it to the maid.